
‘Hey Long Island… Do U Remember?’

Book based on Facebook group is a blast from the past

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A new book, titled “Hey Long Island Do U Remember?,” tells stories about the island’s history.

Posted Wednesday, August 31, 2022 12:00 am

Mariana Dominguez, The Long Island Advance

Since it was first created 14 years ago, the Facebook group “Hey Long Island Do U Remember?” has grown to 160,000 strong. The group was created and is run by Stacy Mandel Kaplan, Kimberly Towers, Scott J. Mandel and Jordan Kaplan. Recently, the quartet worked together to write a book that tells stories of Long Island’s history.

Mandel Kaplan said that the Facebook group began as a way to connect and share memories with friends, and that if you had told her when they began how big it would grow, she would not have believed you.

The image-driven book tells a story on each page that is interesting and informative. The group worked on the book during the pandemic, with Mandel Kaplan saying it took them about eight months to compile the photos and stories they wanted to feature.

Read the full article in the Long Island Advance