

MPP Inc. is currently accepting proposals in the following genres: biography, history, folklore, non-fiction, sports, guidebooks, cookbooks, and photographic books.

Writers wishing to send a proposal to MPP should send a cover letter with a current mailing address, phone number, and email address. Include some information about yourself (and your co-authors, if applicable) and links to your social media pages. We also require you to submit a current resume that includes a listing of what you have published and any other experience that qualifies you to write this book.

Completed manuscripts: We do sometimes accept completed manuscripts for consideration, but only if you have made prior arrangements with us. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be accepted. If you have a completed manuscript, you must first contact us by mail, phone, or email before sending it to us.

Book proposals: A book proposal need not be more than four to five pages in length. It must, however, contain a tentative table of contents and enough information for us to assess its content and its potential audience. To do that, we ask that you follow these guidelines:

  • Outline: The outline must include a provisional title for the book, a tentative table of contents (if applicable), and a brief description of each chapter (if applicable). If you plan to include tables, charts, figures, photos or illustrations, please indicate their content and how many you plan to include.
  • Audience & Use: The proposal must include an indication of the audience you intend to reach with your book; an evaluation of how your proposed work compares with existing published material; potential marketing plans or suggestions would be very helpful.
  • Completion Date: Indicate the expected length of your book (the number of words), as well as a realistic schedule and completion date.

What to submit: We require that all manuscripts be submitted electronically unless otherwise arranged. Please note that we cannot return any submitted materials.

Send proposals by email to: info@macintyrepurcell.com


What you should know about MPP.

MPP is a writers’ company as we’ve already told you, but we are also Class A, Category 1 hustlers. We are the perfect storm, and we’ll cajole, sweet talk, suck-up, whisper sweet nothings, and shovel driveways in a 50-centimetre snow bomb to move another book. We like making books, but we like selling them even more.

Yes, but there is a protocol. And that protocol should be observed to the letter. Look at our writer guidelines and follow them to make a strong first impression. It does matter.

That is the $64-million question, ain’t it? Truth is we don’t know until it hits us on the head. We do have some ideas of our own and we assign those. Everything else is up for grabs.

We receive queries every day and while we strive to get back to you with a quick response, either acceptance or rejection, this process takes time so bear with us. We ask that you give us sufficient time to review your package. We want to give it the consideration it deserves.