
Forgotten Nova Scotia

The stunning images found in Forgotten Nova Scotia offer a window into our past, showing life as it was then, and stirring in us the emotions of wonder and curiosity about those who have gone before us and the lives they lived.

Nova Scotia is in Ingrid Bulmer and Ted Pritchard’s blood, and you might say Forgotten Nova Scotia is their love letter to the province. Where others may see only decay and rot in these long-forgotten locations, Bulmer and Pritchard see exquisite beauty. This is the book they were meant to do.

1. How does working on a project like Forgotten Nova Scotia differ from working on a photojournalism assignment?

Although searching and shooting abandoned places has similarities to photojournalism, the experience differs in many ways; the idea of chasing a subject that requires research and travel feels like working on a photojournalism assignment, but the location work takes on a more fictional tone as you struggle to fill in the gaps to what has occurred at each place. Imaginations can run wild in such circumstances, which adds greatly to the work, and allows you to explore outside the boundaries of sticking only to the facts as journalism dictates. Keeping this in mind we kept to journalism ethics, and staged or touched nothing at each location. Staging seemed to be a frequent occurrence at many locations visited by previous explorers.

2. What attracted you to this subject matter?

Neither Ingrid nor I have any past experience shooting abandoned places. The offer to create this book did appeal to us immediately though; a challenging long-term subject to explore and learn about, presenting many creative challenges as photographers.

3. How did you discover the places you photographed for the book?

Two ways: Good old fashion detective work, and exploration, coupled with the generous assistance of other photographers who know the subject extremely well.

4. How much preparation does it take to get a typical shot?

Most shots generally occur quickly while we initially explored each location independently. Long exposures take more preparation and time but were usually executed as a team.

5. Is there a subject you would like to explore for your next book?

Absolutely. Islands of Nova Scotia!


Ted Pritchard and Ingrid Bulmer were photojournalists for The Chronicle Herald for more than 20 years. Their photos regularly appeared in The Canadian Press and Reuters news agency stories. Their work has appeared in Maclean’s Magazine, The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail and The National Post. Today, Ingrid and Ted own and operate Rattlebox Multimedia Inc


This book is a photographic tour de force! Forgotten Nova Scotia contains evocative and haunting images from two masters of the craft. In this memorable book, Ted and Ingrid take readers places they might otherwise not go. Their moody pictures of abandoned buildings, railway tracks and artifacts consigned to oblivion, give insight into how people once lived, their struggles and triumphs
Andrew Vaughan national photographer with The Canadian Press


Forgotten Nova Scotia is a testimony to the art of photography and the bonds of true friendship. It is wonderful to see their journey come full circle onto the pages of this book.
Paul Darrow award-winning photographer

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