Home Sweet Home Newfoundland introduces children to where they live or visit. With enchanting illustrations and a gentle writing style, this book takes readers on a fun-filled exploration of the Island, encouraging education and discovery.
See Gros Morne National Park, Mistaken Point UNESCO World Heritage Site, Discovery Global Geopark and snowmobiling in Grand Falls-Windsor. Learn about bakeapples, moose, puffins, jigging cod, and so much more! Using Newfoundland-style cultural, historical and geographical learning, Home Sweet Home Newfoundland affirms why The Rock is such a wonderful place to call “Home Sweet Home!”
Jeff Cox is the author of the bestselling My Home Nova Scotia and I Love Maine books. He is a proud Newfoundlander, a long-time resident of Nova Scotia and a father of three incredible children. Family, pride of place, and early education are his inspirations for The Home Sweet Home Collection