Groundhog Night: Shubenacadie Sam’s Shadow

Doretta Groenendyk
ISBN: 978-1-77276-178-8

The whole world is waiting to see if Shubenacadie Sam's shadow means six more weeks of winter or whether spring is on its way. The day before Groundhog Day though is Groundhog Night, and as Sam discovers, other animals have shadows, too.

Come with us on this moonlit journey of discovery as Shubenacadie Wildlife Park's most famous resident meets moose, fox and an owl and many of the other animals and birds that share the park. Shubenacadie Sam is not alone.

Shubenacadie Sam is one of the most famous groundhogs in North America. Every year on February 2 at sunrise, Sam leaves the specially built house and checks to see if he sees a shadow. The whole country waits for the result.





On a luminous night filled with forest magic, this charming story celebrates Nova Scotia’s famous and beloved groundhog Shubenacadie Sam.  Who knows? More winter or an early spring? Another gorgeous, whimsical picture book from this prolific artist.”

— Sheree Fitch, author of Sing in the Spring!


Groundhog Night is an instant classic. Quiet and sweet, it’s a gentle nighttime journey that brings the reader closer to the natural world. Doretta’s warm illustrations bring out the quiet beauty of a cold winter’s night.

— Sydney Smith, Author/Illustrator, Governor General’s Award-winning Illustrator of Sidewalk Flowers